Lightpath School is Driven by: Excellence and Godliness

WE ARE Creative & Professional IN
Child Education Service DELIVERY

Lightpath School is made up of a team of unique and highly delightful educational experts, grooming bright children to achieve their full potentials

We are a world-class school that offer
curriculum which integrates the best of Nigerian and other great educational systems in  building and developing a total child,
Intellectually, Spiritually, Morally and Socially.

The goal of the school is to develop children that are “inspired to lead” in every sphere of life. We offer small-size classes that provide a
stimulating one-on-one teacher-pupil relationship and learning environment that promotes self-discovery, growth, creativity and leadership.

Our creche is simply the best in and around Obawole, iju, Lagos

The Pre-School and Nursery section is the best of the standards in pre-school education, in Obawole, iju, Lagos

The Primary Education section delivers the highest quality in Primary school education, in Obawole, iju, Lagos. We deliver the best foundational education to prepare our children for excellent educational future.

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet and Light Unto My Path. Psalm 119:105

The goal of the school is to develop children that are “inspired to lead” in every sphere of life, both in academics, sports and social development.

At Lightpath Nursery and Primary School, our commitment is to offer complete educational development of the child

We will advance educational excellence through target teaching and instructional processes that will unleash the innate learning ability
of every child